Happy Birthday, Linux!

We wish Linux a happy 20th birthday. Knowing that Linux is alive, well, and unbound, we celebrate this year with The Linux Foundation. Thanks to Linus Torvalds, computing has changed for the better.

It’s nice to know that we have an alternative operating system which has proven to be scalable, reliable, innovative and even fun!  We are pleased to see that Linux is welcome in organizations and business entities.  I wonder what more can we expect from Linux in the next decade.

The Linux ecosystem is very much alive and thriving.  A lot of companies are now building products and services on top of Linux.  Companies like IBM, Intel, HP, Oracle, etc. now have Linux as one of their platforms for building new products and services.  Many application domains are using Linux as a computing platform.  RedHat and Canonical have been built and are successful in the Linux ecosystem.

As for us users, we benefit from the Linux ecosystem because we have a good alternative to proprietary products and solutions.  Linux is technically sound and has been ready for various applications.

There is still room to grow.  Desktop Linux is slowly picking up but needs more momentum.  User-friendliness is improving with the use of desktop interfaces such as Gnome and KDE.  Video cards need more support and solutions from hardware vendors who make device drivers.

Well, it’s good to know that Linux has made it and that its future looks bright. Even Microsoft is beginning to notice.

Ubuntu 10.04: Some Screenshots

These are some screenshots of an Ubuntu 10.04 installation on VMware Fusion 3.  Once 10.10 comes out, we’ll post screenshots of those as well.

Bootup Screenshot

Welcome and Language Selection Screen

Welcome and Language Selection Screen

Time Zone Selection

Time Zone Selection

Preparing Disk Space

Preparing Disk Space

Creating A Login Account And Specifying Hostname

Creating A Login Account And Specifying Hostname

Retrieving More Software

Retrieving More Software

Downloading Language Packs

Downloading Language Packs

Install Complete

Installation Complete



Login Manager Screen

Login Manager Screen

Desktop After Fresh Install

Desktop After Fresh Install

Tweaking the resolution on the VM as done before, we can get a nice workspace:



Desktop 02

Desktop 02

Desktop 03

Desktop 03

Desktop 04 (with a software manager running)

Desktop 04 (with a software manager running)

Desktop 05

Desktop 05 (with update manager running)

Desktop 06

Desktop 06 (updates taking place)